Uncomfortably numb ~ David Gilmour and I can’t put our finger on it

David Gilmour

...d turn to it. And I could go back to being comfortably numb. Or, rather, uncomfortably numb. Had it been comfortable, I wouldn’t be writing this now. This is a story about how I did put my finger on it, and how music and a book played a part in the journey. Music is my main muse. Songs come at times when they’re needed. On the radio, on the iPod, or as a post on someone’s facebook wall. Or they’ll just arise out of the mind-chatter that is my semi...

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Time Tables and Being out of Time

Foxtrot ~ Genesis

...The music was no less so, for the qualities of its ‘sound’, the depth and complexity of its composition, and for the lyrics which transported me far, far away from the rural New Hampshire resort town I lived in. I loved it immediately. Still do. Perhaps I always will (and always have.) I’m not sure how many years of listening passed before I recognised in the lyrics of Time Table a sense of deja vu, of repeated lifetimes, of reincarnation. The wo...

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3 Things I Learned About Rejection By Being Accepted ~ A Traveller’s Tale

Travelers Tales ~ China edition

...future take that to heart, then submit. The editor wants you to. Do Your Research Do I recommend throwing every marginally satisfactory story you’ve got into a submission? NO! I was lazy and silly and very lucky. In retrospect, one of my “top 3″ submissions, though one of my favourite pieces of writing, was completely inappropriate for the anthology. Editors spend hours a day reading and if the first item in a submission is just wrong for their pu...

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Peter Gabriel & Ken Follet: Fear, the mother of violence

Peter Gabriel ~ Scratch

...it, then we can continue to be a globe populated, largely, by nations that compete primarily for the joy and pleasure of competition, rather than the political capitol perceived to go to the victor, rather than out of a fear of failure. And I like to think that, perhaps, this new Olympic spirit is a little more indicative of our world view. We still have a ways to go, but, perhaps Northern Ireland Secretary, Shaun Wood, said it fairly well just la...

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Butterfly Transformation

...d in support of the blog entries. Forgive the formatting — it was all hand*]}*-coded in the days before WordPress, CSS, plugins and cable modems. Now dormant but for the occasional visitor’s comment. My Muse: Movies & Music Youtube Channel My channel for hosting music and videos needed for posting to Facebook or my blogs. A growing eclectic collection of Indy, Progressive Rock, Mantras, Folk, Jazz and a few other genres tossed in for good measure. PRI...

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Hidden Fruits

Walkabout My Country, by John Weeronga Bartoo

...Often, even a prolonged search appears fruitless But look among the discards For the unsought fruit So often sweeter, more fulfilling Than the one intended. Seeking is an act of desire, Discovery, an act of vision. Disentangled from objectives, Seeking always bears fruit. Walkabout My Country John Weeronga Bartoo...

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...Due to heavy spam abuse, the contact form is disabled. Whenever appropriate, please comment directly to the blog post. we try to respond to all queries there. But if you wish to connect with us on a more direct and personal level, please feel free to comment via this form. Thanks! Peter, et. al....

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Hearts traveling faster than the speed of love ~ the B-52s, Topaz

52s ~ COSMIC THING ~ Topaz

...to sea Blue dolphins are singing Minds swim in ecstasy Clear planet, ever free   Topaz Our hearts are traveling faster, Faster than the speed of love Straight through a tear in the clouds Up to the heavens above   Bright ships will sail the seas Starfishes are spinning Some hills are never seen Our universe is expanding Moonrise upon the sea Starships are blinking We’ll walk in ecstasy Clear planet blue and green   Topaz Our thoughts are travelin...

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Love, strength and courage ~ The greatest things you’ll ever learn

Nature Boy ~ The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

...else. I was already googling for other quotes about love by the time these comments were posted, and it didn’t take me long to come up with a clarification. My thinking there follows a buddhist tradition: if being loved gives you strength, then where does strength come from when you are not being loved? Then again, any quote requiring deep philosophical discussion to be appreciated isn’t a good quote. Maybe Lao Tse said something wiser: Being deep...

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The second book of The Way ~ Stephen Mitchell illuminates the Tao again.

The Second Book of the Tao ~ Stephen Mitchell

...ng attention to what is happening within our innermost self, until the unseen, the unquestioned, is as obvious as the seen When the mind is free of its thoughts, it becomes its own fulfillment....

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