The Green Book

A rumination of mine on Steely Dan’s "Green Book". (Lyrics )

A fantasy — the Green Book — a tome of loves had, and loves lost, and loves never known — and from them a conglomerate, a creation of iconic love, Marilyn 4.0…a vision of nostalgia that never was, before him, there, all Kiss Me Deadly.
My mind is all art deco, smokey umbers and ambers, raking sunset light through venetian blinds onto stucco walls. There are giggles and smiles, then sighing writhings, intertwinings…and after, still, the longing. The love that always is but never was…all Kiss Me Deadly, please, kiss me honey, before I die and become just another page in the Green Book.

To put it another way, a man feeling his age sees a woman who reminds him, in various ways, of loves past, loves lost, loves never had. He fantasizes a rendezvous with her, with time and place, and for a moment feels connected to the world he inhabits. Then the fantasy fades, and all he has left is the nostalgia for what he never had.


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