
I envelop myself in words

I envelop myself in words

I envelop myself in words
In the dreams and visions they evoke
In the taste of them on my tongue
I tingle as they brush across my lips
Tremble as they form in my chest
A rumble larger than myself
While they wind a path through my mind
Illuminating this sensation, and that emotion
Recording all the world so that no moment must die

But these are only words
And for all they do for me
I would rather hold your gaze
Breathe you in
Feel your breath as you speak to me
In a lovers nonsense no words can convey
Enveloped in you, I am eternal, unbounded

4 Responses to “Enveloped”

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  1. Antoinette says:

    Absolutely beautiful, Peter!!

  2. Peter says:

    Mmmmm…. Thank you, Antoinette.

    A poem that began with the image and the line “I envelop myself in words”

    I really had no idea where those words would take me.

    And the second stanza took me completely by surprise.

  3. Sonny says:


    • Peter says:

      More than a decade later, and some unrelated mission offers this as a waypoint.

      I am reminded… I wrote this for you.


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