You might die trying ~ Dave Matthews was waiting for me

Time and again, music comes to me at just the right moment. It comes with inspiration, with insight, with meaning. This morning, feeling confident that I am back to writing…back to the promise to myself to put this story down…a song arrives, just to remind me what it is that that urges me forward.

Dave Matthews is a troubadour, a minstrel of the first order. For me there’s a whole separate category for these folks. People filled with life, brimming over with it, and a loud, crazy magic about them. Underlying it all is a spiritual connectedness and awareness that is expressed, it seems, with an easy inward look and a gracefully insightful acknowledgement of human grace amidst the suffering.

You Might Die Trying

To change the world,
Start with one step.
However small,
The first step is hardest of all.
Once you get your gate,
You will walk in tall.
You said you never did,
Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
Cause you—
If you close your eyes,
Cause the house is on fire.
And think you couldn’t move,
Until the fire dies.
The things you never did,
Oh, cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
You’d be as good as dead,
Cause you might die trying,
Cause you might die trying.
If you give, you, you begin to live.
If you give, you begin to live.
You begin, you get the world.
If you give, you begin to give
You get the world, you get the world.
If you give, you begin to live.
You might die trying.
Oh, you might die trying.
Yeah, you might die trying.
The things you never did,
Cause you might die trying;
You’d be as good as dead.
You never did.

~ Dave Matthews

Well over a year ago I wrote The Choice :: To Live, wondering if I could ever make that choice. Last night I wrote Fear & Fate ~ Answering the Call, overcoming the fear, finding faith in the fate. This morning, Dave Matthews greets me, reminds me,

If you give, you begin to live. You begin, you get the world.


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