
talantbek chekirov ~ Wonderful View Over Paris

I love Passion ! Now that’s an inspiring gallery.  But sweetness, how ever did you miss this Chekirov print? Hmmm? Ms. Passionate Parisien? Yes, Paris is a date…Quatorze Juillet at the North East leg…and then after the Tower, we’ll find a wonderful little pension and while away the days as […]

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16 thoughts I felt compelled to write down one day in 2008.

Your body knows more about your spiritual well-being than you mind does. Teach your mind to listen to it.

5. Your body knows more about your spiritual well being than your mind does. Teach your mind to listen to it. ~ Some days, insight floods you. I didn't sit down to write this collection of insights, it's just what came out in response to a challenge: jot down 16 brief notes about yourself.

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The Raft at Gilford Beach

Summers in New Hampshire provide a teenager with blissfully warm weather and an abundance of distractions from the boredom that seems to accompany the day-to-day existence of the young. There were the streams in which I’d fish for trout, and the marinas filled with pickerel, and Weirs Beach with its […]

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